2025 CAHSAH HOME CARE AWARDS We invite you to nominate caregivers, leaders, clinicians, or advocates who consistently demonstrate excellence and positively impact the lives of others. CAHSAH honors exceptional home care professionals with the CAHSAH Awards Program, recognizing those who... Continue Reading
Monthly Bulletin
We made it through the holidays and now it is time to start a new year. Time to get your calendars updated for 2025. And what better way than to check out the educational events that are being offered in 2025 by CAHSAH. To start the year off, CAHSAH is offering the Home Health... Continue Reading
The calm seas of the holiday season in Sacramento and Washington are about to become very stormy again beginning in early January. The State Legislature convened for its organizing session on December 2 during which new members were sworn in, rules governing both houses were adopted, and the... Continue Reading
Getting to know Kristen Kambestad RN and CM Amari Home Health and Hospice www.AmariHC.com What prompted you to enter the field of home care/home health or hospice? I went into nursing school thinking of going into labor and... Continue Reading
Can you provide the requirements for TB testing for a home care aide organization? A TB test is required within 90 days before being hired by a home care aide organization (or seven (7) days after. An affiliated Home Care Aide who transfers employment from one Home Care Organization... Continue Reading
The Federal Bill Tracker will return once the new Congress convenes in early January and the 2025 bill introduction process begins. Continue Reading
The California State Legislature has adjourned the 2023-2024 Legislative Session. A complete list of the new laws enacted is in the Annual New Laws Report. The 2025-2026 Legislative Session will resume on December 2, 2024. CAHSAH’s Policy, Advocacy and Public Affairs Committee will... Continue Reading
The number of total hospices increased between 2022 and 2023, as did the number of hospice visits. The analysis of hospice utilization trends is outlined below and is based on data reported to the California Department of Health Care Information and Access (HCAI) from the Annual Utilization... Continue Reading
Many hospitals are laser-focused on reducing length of stay in order to enhance patient experiences and boost financial performance. A recent study by KFF shows that the average adjusted expense per patient day at hospitals in 2022 was $3,1025. Kenneth Kaufman, managing director of... Continue Reading
CAHSAH has recently analyzed data from the 2023 Annual Utilization Report of Home Health Agencies/Hospices compiled by the California Department of Health Care Information and Access (HCIA). Overall, the number of visits and unduplicated patients continues to increase from prior years. We... Continue Reading
Let the games begin! The newly elected State Senate and State Assembly will convene on December 2nd for a one-day constitutionally mandated session to swear-in new Senators and Assembly Members elected in last month’s general election, adopt rules for the 2025-26 two-year legislative... Continue Reading
Well, we have nearly made it through another year. Through payment changes, changes in regulations, staffing shortages and all, we are still here to make the lives of our patients better. I want to send a special thank you to all our health care workers who work tirelessly to care for their... Continue Reading